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Foreleg Rigging - Foot 01

July 10th, 2024
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  1. mwsheeler says:

    I decided to go further in the video. PAst the point where I was stuck when writing you the second of my comments here. I was able to find the bones later when you reverted back to octahedral bones. and I was able to finish the tutorial video. It would still be helpful if you could consider making the bone rigging blend file available. I am certain I will get lost in the remaining videos. Thanks.

    • Jerry Lee says:

      I see that you’ve purchased the animation module course. In the attachments for the animation section, you’ll find the complete rigging project file, which you can access directly from there.

  2. mwsheeler says:

    Please, please, please!!! It is so hard to follow what bones are being selected at around 17:05 in the video. Again, as I mentioned in my first comment below, It is nearly impossible to know what collection you are using in Blender 3.6. I have to set the speed to .5 in the video to follow along and I pause it almost every few seconds in order to see in the upper left of the Blender 3D view screen, the info section, what exact bone you are selecting. This is a painfully slow way to follow you but at least it works. At this section, around 17:05 you box select a number of bones and therefore those bones do not show up in the info section.

    At 17:00 you select the “IK_ankle_F_L.002” bone. I am able to get that far. Then you box select what appears to be the “CTR_FK_ankle_F_L” bone, but I am only guessing at this point as it is the closest bones I can find in my 4.2 collections that match it. You then say, “let’s select all the bones at this joint,” and proceed to show the bones as “stick” bones. Next you again box select a few more bones. It is at this point that I am lost for I cannot find any bones in stick form, among all my bone collections, that match the four (4) bones you selected.

    It has taken me 4 hours to get to this point in the video. I want to proceed but I know I must wait until you reply to these comments. Is there any way you can post your bones in a blend file so that I can use that file as reference to help me through this rigging section? So I can select a bone from your file to double check at times like this to make sure I am selecting the correct bones that I will then be adding constraints to?

    It would be nice, but I am sure you cannot change this, to be able to post a screenshot of my blend file at the point where I am stuck to this comment section. You helped me through the modeling section by exchanging screenshots via email. I am grateful for that. I do not want to be a burdensome student, but after buying all the modules in this course I am wondering if I can finish it.

    I want you to know that I have set aside everything in my life to do this course. I let my lawn go unmowed. I don’t answer the phone. I do only the essentials, like eat when I need to. This course has my total attention each day. Even though I am crawling through it at a snails pace I am determined to try to finish it.

    Thanks in advance for any help you can give me.

    • Jerry Lee says:

      Hi there!
      First of all, try to relax a little and don’t put too much pressure on yourself. Learning rigging can be quite challenging, and it’s totally normal to feel a bit behind at times. Rigging requires a lot of logical thinking and clear understanding, so it’s not unusual to struggle with it occasionally. When that happens, I recommend taking a step back, organizing your thoughts, and reviewing what you’ve learned so far. This will help you approach things with a calmer mindset.

      We’ve tried to make everything as clear as possible in the course, but we know it’s tough to cover everyone’s pace. If you run into any issues, feel free to reach out to me, and I’ll do my best to help you. If needed, you can also send pictures or videos, just like before, so I can get a better sense of where you’re having trouble.

      Most importantly, please don’t feel embarrassed. Hitting roadblocks is part of the learning process, and I’m here to help you through them.

  3. mwsheeler says:

    I got lost at around 2:46 in this video. I am using Blender 4.2 and the new Bone Layer Collections. Becasuse yoyur video doesn’t show the names of the bones at this point I don’t know which “Controller Layer” you are referring to when moving the “IK_ankle_F_L” bone.

    • Jerry Lee says:

      Actually, this is definitely a challenge brought on by the software version differences. When we created the course, Blender hadn’t updated to version 4.0 yet, so we couldn’t use the latest version for the lessons. However, at the end of the course, we added a dedicated section that covers the updates and changes in Blender 4.0 in detail.

      If this version difference is becoming a burden for you, I recommend switching back to Blender 3.6 to follow along with the tutorials. Once you’ve completed the course, you can then move on to learning the updates in Blender 4.0 without any issues.